Attitudes and self-concept are psychological aspects that affect students' views of mathematics. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an instrument that can be measured objectively. Some experts view that the Rasch model is an objective measurement, especially assessment in education. The purpose of this research is to develop an instrument of students' attitudes and self-concept towards mathematics using the Rasch Model approach. The subjects in this study were 90 MTsN students. Data collection was taken using an attitude scale and a self-concept scale that had been compiled and analyzed using the Winsteps program. The scale used is summated ratings (Likert). Based on the results of the analysis using the Winsteps program obtained 23 items out of 26 items on the attitude and self-concept scale that meet the item-model conformity level, with an alpha reliability coefficient of 0.93. Overall, it can be concluded that the attitude and self-concept of students towards mathematics has good psychometric properties so that it can be used for initial assessments and research.
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