This study aims to develop PBL-based E-LKPD with the help of live worksheets, determine the feasibility and effectiveness of E-LKPD so that it can be used on a large scale, and motivate teachers to innovate in developing learning media, especially making their own E-LKPD with electronic technology. This PBL-based E-LKPD can improve skills in solving perimeter and area problems for class VII SMP/MTs. The method in this research is a development method with the type of 4D development model, but this research is only at the define, design, and develop stages. The instrument to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the E-LKPD is in the form of a student response questionnaire to the use of the E-LKPD and the percentage of students' completeness in working on the E-LKPD. The results of this study are the feasibility and effectiveness of the E-LKPD in terms of the average student response in all aspects, namely 3.21 with a valid category and the percentage of students' completeness in working on the E-LKPD is 85%. Thus, the PBL-based E-LKPD to improve the skills of solving perimeter and area problems for class VII SMP/MTs is declared feasible and effective for users, both individuals, large-scale groups, and systems.
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