The Process of Improving the Creativity and Competence of Student Leaming Using a Contextual Approach to the Material Class Ecosystem XI SMA Negeri I Angkola Barat". Thesis. Graduate Program of Padang State University.This research is based on the problem of low creativity and competence of students in learning biology. From the daily tests, creativity and competence of students are still learning under (KKM) minimal criteria of passing grade. This research aims to describe the process of improving the creativity and competence of student learning using a contextual approach to the material class ecosystem XI SMA Negeri I Angkola Barat. The subjects of the research is class XI SMAN I Angkola Barat with the members of 36 student. This type of research is a classroom action research a qualitative approach supported quantitative approach. The study start from April to May 20I 4. During the study the researcher it was assisted by 3 observers. Data was obtained from qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected through observation, field notes, and interviews. Quantitative data were obtained through cognitive tests, observation creativity, affective and psychomotor competencies.The was analysis of the data used qualitative descriftive and statice technique.The result shows that the use of a contextual approach toword the ecosystem material can enhance creativity and learning competencies. The increase can be seen on each aspect of the creative learning, affective and psychomotor competencies ranging from pre-cycle, the
first cycle, and second cycle. This increase is also seen in the results of the exam prasiklus ie 6I.80 in the first cycle, 66.66 and the second cycle 88.88. Based on the results, it can be concluded that contekstual approach can improve the creativity and competence of students of class XI Angkola Barat.
Keywords: Contextual, Creativity and Competence
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